I adore your videos, but I only have one problem

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    • I adore your videos, but I only have one problem

      I adore your videos Pewds, and they truly bring me joy when I watch them. The only issue I have is when you curse at God in your videos. This is a true conflict on me, but if you choose to say no, I will live with it. Thank you for your awesome videos that you bring almost every day, I watch your videos every day no matter what. You make me laugh SO hard in your videos, and its always something new, so you are very original and I do enjoy being a loyal subscriber, and 'bro' 8).
    • So you don't have a problem with him saying f**k, s**t, b**ch, any homosexual slang, or even the N-word at times, but you have a problem with him taking the lord's name in vain?

      I don't mean to crap on your feedback, but I feel like that's mighty low on the list of words Pewdie should refrain from saying. Personally I think he's entitled to say whatever he wants as long as his videos have a Mature rating and those who subscribe know that he's not really for children or people who are sensitive towards obscene language.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TAGibby4 ().

    • Let me start with saying I respect your religion and your view on things, but I agree with TAGibby4.
      Especially the first sentence.
      However, I hope he'll read this topic and maybe take things in consideration. c:
    • i totally respect your opinion and religion, and understand how it can be deemed as offensive if you are a Christian. in one of his videos (can't remember which one, but it was fairly recent) he said Jesus f*****g Christ and he said he's trying not to say things like that any more, so i think he understands that saying thing like that can be more offensive than just swearing. :)
      *brofist* :thumbup:
    • The thing is when you take God's name in vain, it's wasting words and it is an offense to God. When thing is when you say "gay" or "ni**a it can be offensive to some but a lot of people who relate to those words may just laugh it off, some will indeed be offended though. I don't support homosexuals because I'm Christian, but I don't hate them at all and I respect them, same for any race. I believe Pewds should refrain Using any words that may be directly offensive to anybody, he could just try to stop cussing all together but I'm sure most people wouldn't like that. (If this post doesn't make sense or somebody is offended then I apologize in advance).
    • As a fellow Christian, I get what you mean. However, it's more than just that that bothers us when we hear it, since usually we don't like or use that language ourselves. But this is a huge, huge world. A lot of people have different views on the matter of what's appropriate and what's not. Some people will try to be respectful of others with word choice, some of them just dont see it as a problem because they don't believe in the same thing we do... Ya gotta realize you can't change everyone, but some people may decide to be mindful of their language (which as stated above, I do recall hearing Pewdie say that in a game video).

      To the people that say "get over it" for the most part, well, it's just a personal request on the part of someone who kinda cringes everytime he says it. There's nothing wrong with asking for another to stop using a certain word or phrase if it offends. would you tell someone to "get over it" if rape jokes offended them? I commend Pewdie a lot on his restraint and listening to what his fans are saying and requesting. Some people just really don't like to hear it, even if a lot of people don't really care. Part of all being "bros" is also all respecting each other, ya know.
      "There's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life." ~Church
    • I live in a family of Christians but I'm not Christian...so I don't quite understand but I'll try right now.

      1. Pewds and most lets players swear like crazy it's normal
      2. Swearing when scared is normal for most people cause it comes out almost naturally
      3. Apparently swearing is funny to some people?
      4. I understand you don't like it but it doesn't mean he'll stop
      5. I got my mouth washed by soap because of swearing (that was not tasty) (totally not irrelevant >.> )
      6. I understand swearing is bad but it is a word sir and it is normally harmless
      7. If you are a child of 5-8 don't watch Pewdie
      8. If you are a parent and you are disturbed by one's swearing don't let them watch Pewdie
      9. If you don't like swearing, then you don't like it
      10. I asd;lfkjas;dlkghalkjsdhflakjhsdf I just needed a 10th

      "Part of all being "bros" is also all respecting each other, ya know." - Stormsworder

      Now this guy ^^^ is a Christian I can agree with.

      Good words sir. :thumbsup:
    • I never really liked the statement "That offends me", just because it offends you doesn't mean you're in the right. I completely understand that there are topics you should stay away from, because there's so much hurt attached to them, it definitively seems like Pewdie understands this as well seeing as he has censored himself to some degree. But there's just a point where you censor yourself too much and loose yourself in the process.

      The tube that is you - youtube.com/user/Starkosaurus
    • The problem is that whatever you say, you can't be liked by everyone. There will still be someone saying that you said something wrong, unless you like, totally don't cuss at all and be an angel. In which case, people would still not like you, because you are boring. Not saying cussing == fun, but for example:

      *A monster pops up*

      I guess some people would still watch that, but not everyone. And again to the beggining, that's the problem - you can't be likeable by everyone. So in the end, cussing or not cussing, it doesn't matter, there'll be people who will like that and people who won't.

      And for the word "God", well, time to tell 70% of humanity to stop saying that every 7 hours.
    • You can't make everyone happy unfortunately. If he listened to every post he got resembling this one noting that they were offended.... he'd have to heavily censor himself, which would make him unhappy doing his videos and a vast majority of his audience would be unhappy. I appreciate that you have your beliefs and have a certain way of carrying yourself, but it certainly won't effect the way Pewdiepie does his videos. And if it did I would be displeased.

      -Keep making your videos exactly how you want to Pewdiepie!
    • Well, all the curses and swears are only for fun, is all about the gaming. You make fun of everything! Curses and swears are bad when is about someone or something that really exist, I mean.. "F**k you barrel I swear to God I'll f**king kill you!" The barrel doesn't exist am I right? It means nothing for me.