Pewdie's "Gay-jokes"

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  • peachvomit wrote:

    Joke = joke. My opinion. Sorry if it offends you.

    PS: About that other word, nigga... why is it so bad? Nigga's be like yo nigga all the time. I hope you get my point nigga.
    Exactly, Africans always call themselves niggers all the time and it's fine but when someone that doesn't have a brown skin tone says it, everyone goes crazy.
    I don't understand.

    Also, to Leviathan, I just watched Slender: The Arrival all over again and you're wrong, he doesn't say "nigga".
  • He cuts away the parts when he says ni***r, the only thing you hear is "n-er!" Hard to notice, but I noticed it as well.
    Look, they are meant as jokes, and I understand that.

    Maybe I overreacted a bit.

    I have to admit: I make jokes like this a lot myself. But he shares his jokes with every single person in the world, and you might never know: someone could get really offended. Some people is more sensitive than others, it's not like I got angry or anything. I got got kinda grumpy because I know some gays.

    Still, the "choosing between being gay and transsexual-gay"-part was the only joke that made me sort of angry. "I do not feel that 'crazy' today...". Transsexuals aren't crazy, are they? They are born boys/girls, but feel like the opposite. If I was a girl in a boy's body, I would get offended.

    Fine, Pewdie can make all the jokes he wants, I'll still watch and love his videos. It was just this single video that went a bit over the line for me.
  • I'm sorry, but.. I find this very pathetic. It's the internet for god sake. If someone that is homosexual or transsexual has any problem with any of Pewd's jokes, then he's a lunatic and so are you. It's a joke for god sake, it's not telling them right to the face "You shouldn't exist, die.. I hate you." Would you like to be told and warned for everytime you say "nigger"? I say it a bunch of times to a lot of Black people I know. And guess what they don't stay mad because I said the word "nigger".
    Wanna know why doesn't that happen on the Internet? Because people like to feel much better. And just because of that, in my opinion, any person that ever asks why PewDie does this type of jokes and tries to stop him doing it, is just doing it for personal interest.
  • ROFLCOPTER wrote:

    in my opinion, any person that ever asks why PewDie does this type of jokes and tries to stop him doing it, is just doing it for personal interest.
    Excuse me but I just have to point this out. Of horse they are doing it because of personal interest. It is in their personal interest to try and make him realize that many think it's wrong. Some of his things he probably meant them to be a joke but I have to agree that to cover your face just because he just classifies something as gay is stupid even for me.

    Not saying I care about his jokes or anyone being offended but I'd like you to know that this statement was stupid.
    "I've begun my voyage in a paper boat without a bottom; I will fly to the moon in it."
    "When this paper aeroplane leaves the cliff edge, and carves parallel vapour trails in the dark, we will come together."
  • Lets be honest, you can't make a joke about anything these days without it being racist or sexist or homophobic or anything, but there's limits to some things, and I don't think this crossed it in all honestly. I feel that sometimes there can be people who are too sensitive to things and can get offended at the slightest thing. And especially with PewDie, from the start he has made jokes that are pretty tasteless, but honestly that's my type of humour, and its just dependent on what your type of humour is I guess.
    -For All Your Gaming Needs
  • A lot of black people don't like it when whites use the N word and it is understandable. I know a lot of friends who are uncomfortable when they have heard a white person say it, friend or stranger. It is just how we as a society have grown to understand certain things. You can't really expect everyone to be 110% open minded and accepting of certain slang. The N word is certainly something that rests on a blurry line when it comes to use.

    Example being comedians. You generally don't hear white comedians ever say it and seeing as PewdiePie is trying to entertain you with comedy then it obviously won't make certain people go "ha ha" when he says it.
    There is always time for muffins.
  • People should take the things what pewdiepie says with a grain of salt. Although I have to say he should calm down at some subject as they might offend people by going just too far. And ofcourse people are butthurt if [put subject here] joke is made once and I think jokes about stuff should be done in moderation, but again Pewdie tends to get carried away and open his box of merry swears and what not.

    The thing I don't understand is that he only bleeps away the N-word (as said in the topic) while he also says other 'offending' things. He should either be uncensored or completely censored in my opinion. Only the latter will not really work out with his fanbase as they enjoy seeing Pewdiepie swearing while playings games and such.

    tl;dr : Pewds should look out with what he says and does , but there are also people butthurt for minor stuff going on.