Kiddie rated M gamers

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    • i may have a little bit of answers for this:

      1- Kids nowadays want to grow up too fast. They have cellphones at 9 years old, young girls have their own makeup and young boys plays violent games. This way, they think they will be old.

      2- Kids love to do like their older bro/sis, everyone know that. Some young boys take the game of their older bros and they play it to be like them.

      3- Some kids manipulate their parents. Example: a 10 years old boy have manu friends who play Black Ops. He ask to his parents and they say no (naturally). The young boy is angry and he cry and punch stuff. He said to his parents that they don't love him or that they are not good parents. They will feel bad and they'll buy him his game. Some parents got fooled by this (sadly).
      Sorry for my typing mistakes.... I'm french ^^'

      My Deviantart:
    • I'm 15, I play M games and such, mostly because I find them more entertaining than pretty much everything else, but in my opinion, it's fine to let kids to play M games, but moderate them to the extent where they're not chucking the controller across the room. If it gets worse at that point, the solution is to find a therapist, not take away the game. That will result in the launching of the family pet across the household. In general, if I find a rude kid in the lobby when I play, I usually ignore them, but when they get TOO annoying, they get muted. The worst they could do at that point is spam your inbox.
    • I don't believe violent games beget violence in minors. I doubt anything could really scar their mind (unless it's straight up torture porn and they're under ten). Its fantasy and they can get over it. I do, however, get extremely annoyed with some kids. I know, I should just chill, let them feel cool because they're underage and playing a violent, gore-infested game behind their mamma's back, which is an awesome, rebellious feeling I recommend all kids to try at one point or another. But when you start to feel bullied, if not downright sexually harrassed, by someone half your age, muting it isn't going to cut it for me. So I begin to troll them. Ah, I've reduced more than one little boy to tears. It's messed up, I know. "Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned. Please remove this horrid grin."
      "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and let the world wonder how you did it."
    • There is only one thing that needs to be said about it and that is that kids SHOULD NOT be playing, or viewing media not suitable for them. Whoever says they should is a sucky parent, or will be one day.

      The funny thing is that I was brought up on violent movies and video games and while I feel like I turned out like a pretty good person. I know from observation that not everyone will when they grow up. It is a psychological thing that consists of how your parents bring you up, your life and how it treats you and finally what you are exposed to from media outlets.

      There are plenty of cool things to see and play when you are young. There is no rush to slap your child in the face with Call of Duty because they bring one out faster than the latest action figure. Those games will always be there for when they are already and if the game is outdated? Well there will be a much cooler experience for them to enjoy when that big boy birthday comes around.
      There is always time for muffins.