PewdieQuest or Whatever

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    • This is all looking fantastic so far, Otter. I have to admit, I've considered the idea of a Pewdiepie game before but I don't have any skill at making games. I'm glad someone finally decided to have a try themselves. The sprites look amazing. So cute.

      I have a few ideas that you might be interested in. It's okay if not but they were just little details and features that I think might be cool:
      • Condemned is a gold mine for quotes. As well as introducing Pipé, Pewdie had a very funny habit of saying "heeeere's Pewdie!" every time he broke down a door with a fire axe.
      • Alternate costumes. I'd certainly like to see Genius Pewds. Or even something basic, like Glasses Pewdie. Oh, or Raspewdie (who could also be a boss ... preferably somewhere scary, like the Slender woods, just because it'd be funnier. If you could get "Rasputin" by Boney M playing the background at the same time, that'd be absolute perfection).
      • A win pose whenever Pewdie completes a level. The "yeeah!" that he (and Piggy) does would be good. His LittleBigPlanet 2 LPs on his old Pewdie channel is a good place to find these (and for Marzia too, actually).
      • You know how in old fighting games and beat 'em ups like Streets Of Rage, after you completed the game, it would sometimes say something like "Game Over", "Congratulations" or "Thank You For Playing"? Wouldn't it be good if that came up after the credits, then Pewdie dropped down from above, punched it and it suddenly said "Brofist" instead? Then you could finish the game with his "ma-haaa" and a brofist, just like Pewds does with his videos.

      I think it'd be cool if you could find somewhere to put references to Bully, Doom 3 and Shadow Of The Colossus too. A Colossus would make a good boss fight. As would Gary from Bully, in fact (I can imagine him as being the kind of boss who sends out enemies to attack Pewdie for him, before finally getting involved himself). Doom 3, I struggle with. Imps and zombies would make for good regular enemies though.
    • There must be a Cry of Fear section in the game, where you can find the Glock and stuff

      And also the game should have more weapons rather than the knife for choppin' around like

      Glock 19 (cry of fear IMO)
      AOM Axe
      Mini Chainsaw (Mad Father)
      Super Slingshot (Bully)
      Frying Pan (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
      Whatever weapon you can use in Shadow of the Colosuss
      Timmy (Happy Wheels, throw him like in the game! :D)

      Can't think on more weapons Pewds used in a game :D
      Your local anthropomorphic fox, SCP fan, 682 Minion and Great Cornholio

    • This sounds like it's going to be amazing when it is finished! (Actually it's amazing already) I love the ideas,and the sprites that you made!

      Otter wrote:

      So I was wondering if anyone had any level layout ideas?
      I'm having trouble coming up with puzzles to fit the games mechanics properly.

      Maybe you can make certain levels with a top-down view? (If its possible) for example, if you're going to include Slenderman or the Oni, you could make it like that so its a bit more... exciting to run from them. :)
      [Today, 12:00am]Emilyandlizzytv: you guys are mean!
      [Today, 12:00am]Emilyandlizzytv: dont laugh shane!
      [Today, 12:00am]dclyde18: FAIL
      [Today, 12:00am]Emilyandlizzytv: i ruined a great come back
      [Today, 12:00am]Dart737: BAHAHAHAHA
      [Today, 11:59pm]Emilyandlizzytv: -.-
      [Today, 11:59pm]Emilyandlizzytv: NOW WHO CANT SPEEL!
      [Today, 11:59pm]dclyde18: *it
      [Today, 11:59pm]dclyde18: iy isn't
    • Hey, just took a plunge into the PewDieVerse (Hey, maybe that could be a name?) outside of youtube with the intention of creating a fangame myself.

      However, since you've came pretty far I've decided to offer my help instead. I'm a pretty decent programmer, although when I started I chose the "wrong" language and have been stuck on Java for quite a while, but I'm gonna learn a new language pretty soon and it might as well be one that will help you out ;)

      I could also help in creating levels, if the assistance in programming is not required, as you said you wanted help with that. (As I'm typing this I have not yet tried the build you provided earlier, since it didn't start in wine, and I was to eager to post to reboot to windows, I run linux right now)

      So, what do you think?
    • Good original idea

      Sounds like a good original idea to me. The sprites look about right.. I have a friend who made his own 2d Platform game that was pretty epic to me. I would be interested to see what this turns out to be. I think perhaps you should look into making it a game where you go through various "worlds" which are Pewds most famously played games. Go through Amnesia,Slender, Shadow of the Collosus... the more dark games but also throw in the more zany games like Conker and combine the different personalities pewds shows through different gaming isntances. You could also make each world have a special ability pewds could use. Like in Amnesia Pewds unlocks the power of the Brofist, but in Conker he has the power of unleashing a frying pan onto his foes just like Conker... I am unsure if that would be too much work but there are some ideas for you