Are we too young for this ?

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    • First off, make videos because, a. you want to do it for fun, b. because you want to entertain people, make them happy or smile at stuff.
      If you're trying to get video views and subscribers, I would recommend not doing an LP right away. I would recommend doing a review, or a funny cartoon or something that will get people's attention. I think the market is oversaturated with LPs, so if you want to get a good LP giong, start with something different and catchy, go with it for a while and after people recognize you, you can switch to LPs. This is only for attracting a reasonable base. The first line of advice is important because your feelings translate across your work and people will see 9/10 when you're disingenuous .

      There are other ways to attract people to your channel though. You can visit forums, chat channels, try to get a guest spot on someone else's, so understand that there is more than one way.

      I think you have to identify what your goal is... Do you want a large subscriber base, or is that not really important?

      Think about it like this... If you want this to become your job eventually, you're going to have to treat it like a job. Generally, a good job is one where most days work is good, but there will be days that you don't want to go to work, but you have to anyway. If you put a lot of work into it, and try to grow and learn as you do it, people will take notice. It's also important to stay regular, upload a new video once daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.

      That's not to say thought that a hobby can't become a job, it's possible.

      Last but not least, you're young and starting out. Prepare to make mistakes, and learn from them if you do. Remember, questions are better than answers, and in the same vein, mistakes are better than accomplishments because you learn more.

      I hope this is not too overwhelming :) Good luck!
      “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” - Quote on Statue of Liberty