Are we too young for this ?

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    • all im gonna say is dont be a try hard.
      dont listen to the people that are saying not to play Minecraft, if you're actually funny and not trying hard id watch your minecraft videos.
      dont expect to get popular right away either. that definitely will not happen.
      there is also too many people on youtube trying to be like Pewdie.
      be original.
    • Age, is but a number. I see many people who ARE young and foolish. I agree though, some do have a mature look on things, but are held back by a number. If you like YouTube, you won't care who watches it, or how popular you get, you'll just enjoy the experience. I myself am 14, and YouTube has introduced me to some great people, and we've had many a laugh, so I regret nothing.

      If no-one watched them, fine. I'll have fun by myself :)
      A smile a day, keeps sadness away!

      Come and have a good ol' cuppa with me... You know you want to ...
    • Guys thank you so much for the help.. But I am still in doubt. I like Pewdiepie, he is my favorite but I won't try to be like him. That's the point as I think.

      But.. Should I record minecraft and slender ? Because I really love these 2 games.
    • FoxyFox0 wrote:

      Guys thank you so much for the help.. But I am still in doubt. I like Pewdiepie, he is my favorite but I won't try to be like him. That's the point as I think.

      But.. Should I record minecraft and slender ? Because I really love these 2 games.

      Yes, do Minecraft, but don't do Slender if it's just a normal gameplay video.
    • Pffft, don't listen to joe. He is a huge meinkraft fan. Minecraft and slender are overrated and started to makes a "quality" gamer sick. Slender is focused on jumpscare. It is jumpy, but it ain't scary. Minecraft is just.. Well, overrated. There's like 10000 video of 'em on youtube. And to answer your main question, you're never too young to start a youtube channel. But most people doesn't like to listen some squeaky voices for 10 minutes straight. And a few tips here

      - Get some proper equipment, a decent webcam (if there's any facecam), Decent mic, Decent software, etc
      - Try to do alot of indie games. Some classic is not so bad either
      - If you're a pro on photoshop/music/idk NEVER mix those in your gaming channel. Make a separate channel for different stuff.
      - Scary/funny montage is popular and mainstream, but everybody like it. Atleast, in my opinion.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • Necromancer wrote:

      Ninja wrote:

      Necromancer wrote:

      Because it can pay well depending on your popularity.

      "depending on your popularity"

      Yes, you will have a million subs in no time, quit your studies and play games all day.

      That's why everyone likes the idea so much. It requires no real work aside from being likable.
      No real work? YouTube ain't easy, it requries a lot of work. Gameplay, commentary topic, editing, rendering, it all takes time.
      Shameless self-promotion below :D
    • I think you should ask yourself. "Am I too young for what?"

      Are you too young to make videos. No, you can make videos whenever you want (I made little videos on my families home video camera when I was like 7 or 8, there was no internet to put them on back then my friend)

      Are you too young to be "internet famous?" No, not really. But at the same time I feel a level of maturity comes into the things I personally watch.
      Keeping on the maturity point, for example a lot of comedians are either well educated or a little older when they first try out, and it's usually a being cultured type thing.

      If say I was two people living now, 14 year old me and 21 year old me and 14 year old me was making videos. 21 year old me would never watch those video's because I wasn't mature enough, I wasn't funny enough and I know it's said a lot but jesus christ I thought I knew everything but in reality I had no concept of good conversation.

      I think what I'm trying to say is, have fun, make some videos if you want, read some books, watch some movies, go out and play, go camping, enjoy life.
      You shouldn't be taking a "youtube" entertainment career so seriously at your point, if anything you should be learning and trying to master skills so that when you've had your fun exploring what you want to do you can blow everyone away with how awesome you are.

      Things take time, as much as I love the internet, the one thing that pisses me off is how impatient it has made people, people seem to feel entitled to all these things.

      Sorry if that got a bit dry there...
    • Since it seems you just want to do this for fun, you should play whatever you want
      but be aware your videos might not get many views which can be disapointing and
      would make it feel like your wasting your time and data cap usage from uploading
      videos not to mention the rendering time and how much effort you put into editing.

      But like all those tubers say, just keep making videos (they hardly mention what else
      they did to get them where they are.)

    • Thanks to all you guys, and I don't have a squeaky voice, it's like I have got a voice of a 30 years old man I don't know why. And I think I am mature enough some of you guys look at me like I am a kid, but I think I am not a kid anymore because I don't seem like 14, I don't talk like 14, it is only my age. So.. I got it, I have to try to be as mature as I can.
    • I am 13 (14 in march), I started with YouTube when I was 12 or 11. I always looked up to the big YouTubers like smosh, freddiew, etc. .
      So I wanted to start a YouTube channel at my own, I uploaded some video's and I expected directly ton's of views but that's just how you want to go it.

      Don't expect to be famous in a month, the average subs you will have is 10 or something then.
      And if your starting your channel for the reason 'money'. Then just remove the idea 'starting with youtube'.

      Just give it a try in my opinion age doesn't matter. If you see some video's on YouTube, you will see that alot kids out there are very talented.

      Greets, Tom
    • You have a pretty darn good attitude about this, since you say you just want to make people smile. That's the idea with Youtube. Don't expect to make money or even start a career, since your main focus for these two things should be school.

      Anyways, take it from me, don't play Minecraft or Slender. Seriously. Even if you're the best Youtuber in the universe, many people will instantly say, "Nope!" just because you play those two games.

      Either way, just have fun. The more fun you have, the better your videos will be.
    • Not to be rude, but...
      You do what the fuck you want. It's nobody's fuckin' business if you do or do not do Let's Plays. I wouldn't give a damn if you were 9, if I enjoyed your shit, I'd watch it. I'm 14, and I let's play and make short movies. Don't go and consult others if you should or not. Anything Youtube related is because you wanna do it, for pure entertainment. People liking it is just a bonus.
      Seriously man, do what the fuck you want and enjoy it...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by 'TisBen ().

    • Poster above is so right. I started at age 15 and I'll be 17 this March. Why did I make videos for youtube even though I don't know what I'm doing? Because I want to show the world my own experience in gaming. I really love doing it until now. I'm not wishing for people to like it, if they do then I will highly appreciate it. I don't care if I grow slow, what matters most is that I love what I'm doing.

      Back to you, if you love doing let's play, etc, then go! MAKE VIDEOS! Not because of the income but you fucking love it. Yes, people may not watch you since you're a minor but someday, you'll get recognized too. Just be yourself.