Role Model

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    • In life, it sounds cheesy but my biggest role model is my dad. He's the hardest working person I know, and on top of all the hard work he puts into his new self-employed business he's trying to help me get a full-time job. Even when I'm being "difficult" over it, he never gives up on me.

      In terms of Internet, my role model is Kevin AKA zxNoRegretzzx. He proves that you can be a big YouTuber and still be the nicest, most genuine guy, who actually cares about his fans. Same goes for Pewdie really, but with my videos I try and be more like Kevin.
    • My grandpa is my role model. He has never done anything other than work his fingers to the bone for his family and loved ones. We recently lost our house, without a question he opened a home to us. Without him I would be homeless, with nothing. He also recently retired about 5 months ago, Most people would never think about going back to work after retirement, but he is going back to work soon because times have gotten tough and money has gotten harder to come by. He is also my only father figure, My father has been incarcerated but I'd rather not since he is nothing important to me. He is nothing less than the best person I have ever met.
    • Pewds is by far my role model atm. He's inspired me to be myself and let loose in my videos and five no f*cks what haters think and does his thing his way and does it well. Putting smiles on peoples faces everyday is somthing i've wanted to do growing up. Reading comments that say how much they liked the vid and how they want more and how it made them smile and laugh is somthing that makes me smile as well and I love doing this. No matter if i get big or not, I'm going to keep doing this for the smiles that are given
      "Bro, I don't have time for parties"

      "Your pussy"