InsertItemName NEW CHANNEL!

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    • InsertItemName NEW CHANNEL!

      Hey guys I got a new channel up and running with 4 videos for now.


      Time doing this: 2 years so I have an idea of what I am doing.

      Genre: No specific ones.

      Future goals: Gather a small fanbase to start doing games that focus more on Co Op to do with the fans.


      Description: InsertItemName is a channel that consists of three series. Let's Love, Let's Hate, and Let's Question.

      Let's Love: Games that are well made and make you keep coming back to it even if it makes you rage.

      Let's Hate: The opposite of Let's Love; Games that are poorly made and make you rage to the point of not playing it anymore.

      Let's Question: This one is kinda tricky. Games that do not belong in LL or LH. In other words they are not great but not terrible. Or they just make you go WTF is going on? at each corner.

      The name itself is subscriber driven. Fans vote as to what I should refer to myself as. I.E if they vote that I should be a box I will refer myself as a box and find games appropriate to that item. No sexual items of any description.

      I suggest going to the Channel Intro video first for a more detailed description.

    • Cirno wrote:

      autoplay the video at the main page to get more views btw.

      Thanks for the advice I'll do that. :D

      Mr Clock Eater wrote:

      Nice channel man i really like the Warframe one although i did find my self skipping a bit to the action. But it was a good vid and i would love to see more on the game.

      I'll do another one once it goes into Open Beta and a final one once it goes into release.