Stalked - Absolutely Terrifying Jumpscares!

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    • InFeRnAL wrote:

      Asteo600 wrote:

      Do you call this game ,,scary''? Or maybe I've played too many horror games and now I want to find something really horror. Silent Hill it's too boring, Slender becomes very embarrassing, cus' I can't finish it, the only game with perfect atmosphere it's ,,Labyrinth'', I guess. It continues to be scary.
      I know that my opinion doesn't matter, but you suggest this game to PewDiePie. Don't you think he is also bored of this kind of horror? I don't know...
      Pewdie never said Slender is boring , he said that Silent Hill was boring .

      And about the : ''suggest this game too Pewdie'' . Pewds can play any game no matter if its horror or action or whatever . And why is slender becoming embarrassing ? More episodes will come soon with the new slender games .

      P.S : Sry about 2x post .

      Bro, if you pay more attention you'll heard PewDie explaining that he doesn't play Amnesia Custom Stories anymore cus' now this game don't scare him like in good times. Of course this will also happen to Slender and at so similar games. But you know, it's his decision and I really don't want to start a flame with any of you, bros. We need to be friends, and I think we are :thumbsup:
      Brofist and play lots of Slender if you like it, bros!
      ,,There's a war between a good and a bad dog in every us. It will won who we chose to feed.''
    • zykoveddy wrote:

      I can see the idea behind this (short, simple game with some scary moments), but don't we have enough games like that already? ?(

      I mean, there's a freaking lot of various short and simple indie horror games, especially Slender influenced. No offence to the developers, but presonally, I'm sick of games like that.
      Here's some common things about most of them:

      1.Always released on alpha or beta state.
      2.Clumsy graphics and poor design.
      3.The only "scary" thing about these games are the jumpscares.
      4.Most of Youtube Let's players quickly grab these games to record their fake reactions (Not Pewdiepie, he useally plays good stuff and his reactions are great).
      5.Most of the people who enjoy these games are kids who didn't even played any good horror games.
      6.The enemy is usually just one monster and you have no weapons to defend yourself.
      7.The objective is simple, useally just collect a certain amount of objects (or one object) on the level or find an exit.
      8.Everything in the game is pitch black, because that's the only way the developer knows how to set up the atmosphere.
      9.Game engine: Unity or FPSC

      When do people realise what we need more games with good atmosphere and addictive gameplay? I hate jumpscares.

      For me it's mostly the part with the monsters... why always just one monster... Then you know how it looks and it's not really scary anymore.
      I love ya all ~ :3

    • Yes, that really would make me play this game. I love the games with more types of monsters :) Brofist!
      P.S. Just don't pass the line and don't add hundreds of monsters, like in Serious Sam (that game gave me serious headache after hours of killing...).
      ,,There's a war between a good and a bad dog in every us. It will won who we chose to feed.''