An indie horror game I'm making called Tainted Fate

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    • I tried it out and it works pretty nicely. I'll post some of my thoughts about it. This will probably come across as unnecessarily harsh, but it's not because I think the overall product is bad; I actually think it's coming along quite nicely, but I figure it's better to share all the things I thought could be improved.

      The map itself generally looks very attractive (although I laughed at "Maps/CliffsOfShitMainMap/"). The only things I wasn't as enthused about were the fact that some of the models were much lower-detail than others, as were some of the textures. I suspect some of the objects are still placeholders and I generally didn't find this too distracting.

      I think some of the rendering effects could potentially use a bit of fine-tuning, in particular the SSAO and radial blur light rays work correctly but probably could be made more attractive by adjusting some parameters.

      The controls felt a little bit sluggish, both looking and moving, even when I held down the "shift" key to run. In fact, all of the physics seemed a bit slow, from objects tipping over to the player falling. Maybe the internal clock of the simulation is running more quickly than real time? Still, the presence of physics does a lot to give a sense of reality to the place. Also, the player doesn't seem to take fall damage. Normally I think fall damage is an annoying gameplay element, but I think it might help with the sense of realism to acknowledge it in some way if the player has just fallen hundreds of feet.

      Ladder behavior seemed a little odd. Most noticeably I found at least one situation where I was able to magically continue climbing up past the end of the ladder. Also, I almost feel like using the 'w' key should allow me to keep climbing up even when I'm looking down, but the way it works now seems pretty defensible.

      All in all it works quite well and it's definitely a good-sized map and it runs pretty smoothly.
    • We've got some great news for you guys! This will be especially interesting for my Croatian bros here.

      I jumped at the opportunity to be at the Infogamer Expo here in Croatia from 14-th to 17-th November. We will be showing off Tainted Fate and giving away free games, t-shirts and the like.
      There will be loads of people there. Ubisoft and Wargaming are also coming :D

      I have started working on the stand already. Here's a sneak peek:

      Of course we are also working on the game non-stop. There will be one final free Pre-Alpha version for you to play soon.
      Since I've started working on the puzzles and story elements and adding them in the game, it wouldn't be cool if you could see that stuff in the Pre-Alpha since it would spoil a lot of stuff in the full game for you.
      We have full day\night cycling working, dynamic models don't go through walls any more,...
      The concept artist is also hard at work. Here's some of the new stuff from him:

      That's it, cheers!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by SickBrick ().

    • SickBrick wrote:

      We've got some great news for you guys! This will be especially interesting for my Croatian bros here.

      I jumped at the opportunity to be at the Infogamer Expo here in Croatia from 14-th to 17-th November. We will be showing off Tainted Fate and giving away free games, t-shirts and the like.
      There will be loads of people there. Ubisoft and Wargaming are also coming :D


      I have started working on the stand already. Here's a sneak peek:


      Of course we are also working on the game non-stop. There will be one final free Pre-Alpha version for you to play soon.
      Since I've started working on the puzzles and story elements and adding them in the game, it wouldn't be cool if you could see that stuff in the Pre-Alpha since it would spoil a lot of stuff in the full game for you.
      We have full day\night cycling working, dynamic models don't go through walls any more,...
      The concept artist is also hard at work. Here's some of the new stuff from him:


      That's it, cheers!
      That concept art looks so amazing! I can't wait to play your game! :thumbsup:

    • Hey people, we're back from the InfoGamer expo and wanted to share our experience.
      The expo was a blast! We showed off Tainted Fate and SickBrick and everybody loved it! Although exhausting as hell, it was really fun. We also sold more than a hundred SickBrick+TFate Alpha DVDs for Pay What You Want.

      Here's a short recap video to show you the atmosphere and highlights I managed to capture:

      On sunday I was on the main stage giving a speech about how I got into game development. Also a fun watch:

      We even snagged a few goodies on giveaways:

      All the photos from the expo are on our Facebook page:
      if you're awesome, give it a like. Here's a selection of the best ones:

      That's about it. If you're interested in anything about the expo, ask away!
    • Almost forgot! There's a new Pre-Alpha of Tainted Fate for you to try out. There's hundreds of changes (the biggest ones are temporary enemies, weapons and events). This is the Pre-Alpha that was shown at the expo.
      Tainted Fate Pre-Alpha 5 for Windows:…d-fate-prealpha-5-windows

      Tainted Fate Pre-Alpha 5 for Mac:…inted-fate-prealpha-5-mac

      I will probably release one more Pre-Alpha before I start putting story elements into the game (that's when the pre-alphas will stop so as not to spoil the full game for you).