True Love?

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    • So what is true love exactly? i have always wondered that myself, how it feels like, how it actually is, all tht good stuff. I would love to hear you bros experiences with "true love"
      I thought i experienced true love once hen i was dating my ex for about 9 months, i thought she was perfect, and we were basically perfect. but once i moved everything changed.. and she ended up cheating on me. so yeah i guess ive never had it yet. :thumbdown:
      Do what you must, and do what you have to do, to survive out here.
    • I've had the chance to know what that feels like. I remember in the beginning it was hard, we didn't really know each other. But as time went on, we got to know each other and no one was able to separate us. Then one day the thing happened... my xbox got banned and I had to send it on its way.
      Just kidding. Never had a true "experience" with it, but I'm pretty sure no one can tell you 100% sure what it's like. Everyone feels different when he/she's in love. You and only you can decide whether it's true love or not. And if you love her/him then you'd go to the other side of the Earth for her/him no matter what, you'd stop at nothing.
      <--- Oh, you hate me son?
    • Dandy Dragon wrote:

      True love? imaginary stuff.

      You could say that true love is imaginary but it depends on what everybody think about it.
      yeah i kinda agree it is imaginary but it's different when u know the meaning behind it.

      I don't know if i could say that my past relationships are true loves.
      To be honest, i gotta say one of them was actually one for me because I clearly felt it and yeah.
      I don't know what you guys think but I went out on this long distance relationship with this guy for 5-ish months last year. We know each other for few years till now so yeah.
      It was so far the best relationship I had but unfortunately we gotta called it off because it was too stressful for the both of us.

    • Love. Love is the greatest gift God ever gave man. Love is not wanting to go anywhere without her. Love is not caring what other people think about the two of you. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her. You feel like your life has no meaning or purpose without her. And that if she wasn't holding your hand you would float away to heaven from where she came. Love is caring for her physically and emotionally. It's telling her everyday, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, for no just reason that you love her. Love is telling her u want to spend the rest of your life with her. Love is wanting to marry her even though you haven't been dating that long. That you would do anything and everything for her. It's the feeling that you would give up everything just to see her smile or look into her beautiful eyes or hear her soft, soothing voice. Love is pure happiness. Love is the feeling you get when all you have to do is think of her and it brings a smile to your face and a yourning to your heart. Love is not being able to think about nething but her. Love is having the sweetest dreams about her and waking up with a smile on your face. Love is an overwhelming feeling of pure bliss when the 2 of you kiss. Love is wanting to hold her in your arms till the end of time. Love is wishing your time with her never ends, that your lips would be locked together forever, that she'd be in your arms till the end of time, that you could cuddle with her for all of eternity. Love is being helplessy and deeply in love with her and knowing your love for her and your feelings for her will never change/end. Love is the world, the world is love.
    • mKeRix wrote:

      Love. Love is the greatest gift God ever gave man. Love is not wanting to go anywhere without her. Love is not caring what other people think about the two of you. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her. You feel like your life has no meaning or purpose without her. And that if she wasn't holding your hand you would float away to heaven from where she came. Love is caring for her physically and emotionally. It's telling her everyday, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, for no just reason that you love her. Love is telling her u want to spend the rest of your life with her. Love is wanting to marry her even though you haven't been dating that long. That you would do anything and everything for her. It's the feeling that you would give up everything just to see her smile or look into her beautiful eyes or hear her soft, soothing voice. Love is pure happiness. Love is the feeling you get when all you have to do is think of her and it brings a smile to your face and a yourning to your heart. Love is not being able to think about nething but her. Love is having the sweetest dreams about her and waking up with a smile on your face. Love is an overwhelming feeling of pure bliss when the 2 of you kiss. Love is wanting to hold her in your arms till the end of time. Love is wishing your time with her never ends, that your lips would be locked together forever, that she'd be in your arms till the end of time, that you could cuddle with her for all of eternity. Love is being helplessy and deeply in love with her and knowing your love for her and your feelings for her will never change/end. Love is the world, the world is love.
      damn dude. that should be the definition of love on
      Do what you must, and do what you have to do, to survive out here.
    • mKeRix wrote:

      Love. Love is the greatest gift God ever gave man. Love is not wanting to go anywhere without her. Love is not caring what other people think about the two of you. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her. You feel like your life has no meaning or purpose without her. And that if she wasn't holding your hand you would float away to heaven from where she came. Love is caring for her physically and emotionally. It's telling her everyday, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, for no just reason that you love her. Love is telling her u want to spend the rest of your life with her. Love is wanting to marry her even though you haven't been dating that long. That you would do anything and everything for her. It's the feeling that you would give up everything just to see her smile or look into her beautiful eyes or hear her soft, soothing voice. Love is pure happiness. Love is the feeling you get when all you have to do is think of her and it brings a smile to your face and a yourning to your heart. Love is not being able to think about nething but her. Love is having the sweetest dreams about her and waking up with a smile on your face. Love is an overwhelming feeling of pure bliss when the 2 of you kiss. Love is wanting to hold her in your arms till the end of time. Love is wishing your time with her never ends, that your lips would be locked together forever, that she'd be in your arms till the end of time, that you could cuddle with her for all of eternity. Love is being helplessy and deeply in love with her and knowing your love for her and your feelings for her will never change/end. Love is the world, the world is love.

      Wise words :D oh wow
    • mKeRix wrote:

      Love. Love is the greatest gift God ever gave man. Love is not wanting to go anywhere without her. Love is not caring what other people think about the two of you. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her. You feel like your life has no meaning or purpose without her. And that if she wasn't holding your hand you would float away to heaven from where she came. Love is caring for her physically and emotionally. It's telling her everyday, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, for no just reason that you love her. Love is telling her u want to spend the rest of your life with her. Love is wanting to marry her even though you haven't been dating that long. That you would do anything and everything for her. It's the feeling that you would give up everything just to see her smile or look into her beautiful eyes or hear her soft, soothing voice. Love is pure happiness. Love is the feeling you get when all you have to do is think of her and it brings a smile to your face and a yourning to your heart. Love is not being able to think about nething but her. Love is having the sweetest dreams about her and waking up with a smile on your face. Love is an overwhelming feeling of pure bliss when the 2 of you kiss. Love is wanting to hold her in your arms till the end of time. Love is wishing your time with her never ends, that your lips would be locked together forever, that she'd be in your arms till the end of time, that you could cuddle with her for all of eternity. Love is being helplessy and deeply in love with her and knowing your love for her and your feelings for her will never change/end. Love is the world, the world is love.

      That is the best definition of love I have ever come across.
    • I do believe in love, but I think it has to be built on a very, very solid foundation. I don't believe in love at first sight, for example. I think you have to be able to be friends with, grow with, and trust the one you love. If you can't do these things or if you somehow prevent them in the other person, it's not love. Just my .02 :3
    • I had 3 solid relationships.
      I was happy being in them.
      The last relationship was the best but also the worst.
      We were copies of eachother pretty much, we liked the exact same stuff and were fucked up in our heads.
      Everyone told us that we were the most perfect couple in the city.

      But after 5 months or so she started to get hit on alot more and she hung out with them more than me.
      she called me names, fatass and things in that way.
      She kept messing around with me and said she had feelings and but it just was a lie.
      Before we got together, i decided to give my all and trust her.
      Now i'll never trust another one again.
      I lost faith in love, it corrupts you in many ways.

    • My experience :
      On a serious note: Love is something awesome.
      In the darkest moments of my life, it was the only thing keeping me from depression.
      To bad the lady cheated on me with 3 others. (yes, the fuck).

      The downside is that it screws you over when you love a person truly but he/she doesn't really love you back.
      It dissapointed me so bad that I sat with a flippin' knife in my hand.
      Decided not to do anything, but looking back thats quite an extreme of sadness.

      What I think love is:
      If you're truly in love you don't see the flaws in the other person.
      He or she is perfect, even though anyone else would say he/she is not.
      And you feel strange, unique, a feeling you never feel on other occasions.
      A sensation making you feel sick but so intensely happy.
      You don't care about ANYTHING. If only she (or he) is with you.
      And at the very least you hope that when you die, you will be with her or him forever.
      The world may end, your love wont.

      That is true love to me.

      And it is a beautifull thing.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MrvonKals ().

    • I'm sorry Br00tal, I know what it feels like to be betrayed like that :( So I can appreciate your point of view. I guess I'm just an optimist by nature. I tend to think that if I can keep faith in love despite past bad experiences and if I know I'm not capable of betraying the one I'm with, surely there are more people like that too. <=)
    • Let us think for a moment here: What exactly is true love?

      That's the question right? The answers will vary, depending on how people experience it and depending on how people act upon it, true love is not something to be define with words so easily. True love, in its most common definition, is that caring feeling, the feeling of never letting that person go or leaving their side. Giving up some of the things in life you want in order to be there for them, pushing yourself beyond limits in order to ensure that they get the things in life they want.

      To me, the above paragraph is how I showed true love to someone I still love even today, unfortunately there is a clouded area in that. As the years go by, you will all notice that true love is nothing like that, it doesn't always mean giving this up or that up, it doesn't always means being there for them all the time. True love doesn't happen with one person, it happens with two or more (two for a relationship, two or more when it comes to family and friends) and if it only sides with one person, unfortunately I cannot see it as true love. True love is for two people in a relationship, they equally gain from each other, whether it be something as simple as being there for them or something like giving them something they want. Even if one says it is ok, you don't have to do anything, the other will always see and do something in order to ensure that their loved one is happy as well, because they were made happy by the one who loves them. It works in mysterious ways, but it must never be confused with one sided love. If one person does everything and the other just simply states they love them back for that, then it's not true love in my opinion.

      So to end this, my view is that there is "True" Love which is one sided love, and then there is True Love which is made by both people because they are happy together, regardless of the situations they face.

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    • Br00tal wrote:

      I dont believe in love.
      Because i dont want to and it always ends up hurting me.

      I used to be the same way. I grew up being rejected. Every time. For longest time - I gave up hope. Even now - I'm afraid to go up to someone and pursue something because I'm afraid of being rejected and hurt, again. The worst part about some of them is that I was friends with a few - and when they found out I liked them, and they didn't return the feelings - they took off. I think part of this was one of the many reasons I was a very depressed person.

      This is how I feel, though. Love is such an amazing feeling - and I feel that once I find that someone who is worth it - it would make all the pain worth it in the end. That feeling I get when being around someone I love is so amazing. It makes me smile. It makes my heart do a double flip. It causes shivers down my spine. I feel like a real person - like someone who is worth to be loved. Love inspires me to no end, and I can't wait until that time comes when I find someone who I can return the feelings to. I guess what I'm saying is, love can be very painful, and yes it can be hurtful, but don't give up. You shouldn't pass up an opportunity at finding true love because it didn't work out before. True love hits a person unexpectedly. Every person deserves to find that one person - their better half - in life, and you'll find her - but only if you don't give up. It takes strength to love =)
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    • MrvonKals wrote:

      If you're truly in love you don't see the flaws in the other person.
      He or she is perfect, even though anyone else would say he/she is not.

      Actually, if you view it from the scientific site, that is partly wrong.
      What you described is the honeymoon phase, which lasts about 5 to 6 months from when you fell in love with another person. After that the blockades against social judgement in your brain go away and you slowly start seeing the faults in the other person, which explains why most breakups happen around 5 months. The trick here is to love the faults the person has, and how they're making him/her unique.