[Suggestion/Feedback/Rant] Disallow any money costing/earning activity on the forums.

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    • [Suggestion/Feedback/Rant] Disallow any money costing/earning activity on the forums.

      Oh yeah , you have seen them already... those nice topics with those nice names and such that you can get a background and such and then suddenly you see that you have to pay for it (which is most of the time , honestly not worth the quality. No offense on the person making stuff). More and more people are making such topics charging prices like it is some marketplace. Seriously , this is getting bullshit. If you need some spare change , go get a job. Are you doing it because you like it? Good , but keep it only for that matter and the fact that you can gain more knowledge in the specific program you are using for making stuff, but only that alone. You will not charge people for something in a nice community , infact , money corrupts.

      Either do stuff for free or don't do it , or discuss something else where no money is involved in (for example : Shout my channel out , box me , brand the creation or whatever). Seriously this is getting dull , if you want to make money off GFX , go to a darn GFX forum where your work (sad but true) nothing compared to the people who are actually selling it for the same price or even free. Ofcourse it costs time and effort to make something, but be grateful that someone provided you material for you to work on and gain more experience instead of mindlessly making signatures YOU will never use or something. Do someone a frikking favor and give him/her a smile on his/her face for doing something "simple" for what they find hard.

      As a GFXer myself I know that projects cost time , but its time well spent. I never ever charged someone for my GFX on any and I repeat on any forums. Ofcourse currently I suck balls , since I don't have the patience for it anymore + didn't do it for a long time , but I had a huge list with requests and I did them with a smile. Why? Because I could try out new things and improve my experience with various tools within photoshop , every thingy getting better each time I did it.

      Its disgusting to see a fanbased community turning into some sort of frikking marketplace.

      Long story short :
      Do stuff for free or do not do it. If you are out for money , GTFO.

      Seriously people , what the fuck is wrong with you. Get a frikking job if you want money and if you want to earn money with GFX then make it your job somewhere , but don't be that dickface charging people HERE for your work , there are other options to get "paid" , for example exposure.

      PS. Inb4massivebutthurtfromthepeoplewhohassuchtopicormassiverantwhichprovesmypoint.

    • ProjectMisfit wrote:

      I agree. Offering donation's should be enough, trying to get it out of people with small stuff like that is stupid.

      You see , nothing is wrong with donating. You can thank people with that. but charging people is just bs , especially in this kind of community.

      The difference between donating and paying is that donating is voluntary and paying is a must (or some shit).

    • Cirno wrote:

      And the irony is that they most likely will find someone better doing it for free.

      Yup. Seen some of the stuff here that required payment but I know someone who could do better than that and he does it for free.

      Makes me wonder what makes some people want to make others pay for something others can do for free...
    • donations - ok

      HEY WANT A 150 x 150 AVATAR THAT I SPEND 6 SECONDS ON FOR 25$?!?!!? - fuck no
      need to email me about something? [email protected]
      need to email my dev team with some questions about the game? [email protected]
      want to get the latest updates on our progress?

      if you want to be part of the dev team send me an email or message
    • omg no fak u jerden wat u sayin i ned moar monehs wat u want from mi fak u srlsy im buthart

      Cirno wrote:

      ...but I had a huge list with requests and I did them with a smile. Why? Because I could try out new things and improve my experience with various tools within photoshop , every thingy getting better each time I did it.

      I can relate to that very well.
    • Hmyes. I'd gladly make backgrounds for people with my epic *sarcastic cough* digital arts experience for the price of merely ... nothing:D
      It's one of those things I could offer to this community. So I won't be a prick about it and just do it as a gift ^^
      For those who do charge people for it; they should reconsider if this is the right place to do so.

      Edit; I read the actual first post after posting my opinion. Seems I have made the long story short.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MrvonKals ().

    • Cirno, this thread makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The fact that people believe in sharing and doing things for the pleasure of someone else is awesome. Making someone smile when i put hard effort into something gfx related (mine are really bad D:) is more than enough payment for me, if they are happy i'm happy. I like to see the good community that is about sharing and ideas rather than a community run by greed.
      I dun Goofed it.
      Also check out my youtube Channel if you can be bothered c:
    • Well if this trend is gonna continue then kids will abuse this (Or greedy assholes).Examples below
      A thread by PEWDIEFAN2828 "HEY PAY 1400000000000$ FOR A AVATAR I'M GONNA MAKE IN 0.1 SECONDS"
      A thread by Propicturemaker(NOT) "PAY 100 5799$ FOR A 640X480 BACKGROUND FOR YOUTUBE WITH IT NOT FITTING TO THE CHANNEL"
      A thread by Bestanimotr5465 "PAY 809312810000$ FOR A YOUTUBE INTRO THAT'S A STILL IMAGE"
      And I would be here all day if I went on.
      Of course donating is okay but the above examples are just abusing this trend.

      click the image above to see my channel.