Loosing a close pet.

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    • I had a dog named Gulliver (I chose it back then because it was one of my favourite cartoons, I was young don't blame me D: ) and I got him at a really young age.. I'm not sure if I was in kindergarten when he first came to our home or early primary school, but whatever.

      Anyways, we didn't train him or anything, but he just started taking me to and from school everyday. I have a service by the way, so what he actually does is just follow that service in the morning and wait for me to get in the school gates, then he'd go home. By the time my classes end he would already be back by the gate waiting for me again. It was cool. Well, one day, he accompanied me to school and he was just, I don't know, walking casually back home when there's this black van that decided just to run over him. One side of his face and body was destroyed, and he still managed to reach home. Our neighbour saw him and he just went up to our neighbour and died in his arms. I didn't know about this until I got home from school, when I was wondering why my dog wasn't at the school gate. When I got home they already buried him in the backyard.

      I grew to hate whoever drove that van. He was such a reckless driver. No seatbelts, driving too near the edge of the road, and he had his child sitting on his lap. He had the nerves to come to our house that night to offer giving us a dog like it was nothing.
    • Sept 7th my oldest cat died by some idiot who ran her over.. she was an outside cat because my step father found her young & pregnant & he took her in so she was a wild cat kind of but grow close to us as a family. I say she was about 20 year's old if not older. Then Feb 13th her son has passed away, we tried calling him in & even went looking for him but because of a storm when he finally came in he was so soaked that he quietly died while my mother gently sang to him so he could pass away easy rather then struggling through it. I loved those two & I cried when they passed away, they were the best wild cats that anyone could wish to have to be apart of our family. ;(
    • I had a grey cat who died, not too long ago.

      Thankfully, she died peacefully, while watching her family sitting around her, loving her for the last few moments of her precious life.

      I currently have one dog, who has a tumor at the moment, and I'm afraid she'll die painfully. I really hope she'll recover from that and be the happy, energetic dog she once was.

      Anyways, I'm really sorry to all of you on this thread. It's so hard to see a loved pet go; after all, they are family. uvu
    • Sorry about your dog, and everyone else's pet. I lost my dog, Lighting due to kidney failure almost four months ago. He was 15(old for a beagle) and lost one of his legs the year before. It's tough to realize that there gone for the first few days(or months) but hopefully you see that they aren't suffering anymore and should sort of just look back on all the happy memories.
      When some one says magic isn't real #mce_temp_url#
    • Sensitive topic :/

      Sorry for your loss btw...

      I've expeirienced the loss of 3 close pets. All dogs...
      I lost them all at a young age and only had really a year to bond with them but, a pet's loyalty may be a few months but it feels like a century.

      Well, I had always wanted a dog and finally for my 11th birthday (i think) my mom brought me out to a house in the country and let me pick a newborn puppy(:
      Her name was Cookie (Digger) and was about 3 or 4 months when I lost her. It was a pool accident. and the gate was left open.
      She was too small to have known how to swim and didn't make it. I was at school.

      The second time it was a week or two after the first incident...
      My dad had felt guilty for the loss of cookie and woke me up with another dog that he got from a customer of his.
      Her name was patches and she was about 6 months when I first got her. I lost her when she was about a year or more. She got hit. Which ended up with me being hit aswell.
      I was home...My dad had kinda given hope but after I had sort've recovered he suprised me with yet another dog. His name was Teddy. He was only 2 months when I got him.
      After I had him for a year or two... He had gotten hit aswell. I was at school...
      We had tried taking him to the doctor but, it was too late.

      I know I may not of had too bad an expeirience but losing someone close to you, is still a impact... no matter how short a time.
      Anyone out there who is expeiriencing the loss of a pet right now.. It'll get better and don't blame yourself.
      Through all bad comes good... remember that(:
      Click Da Link To Level Up(:

      (made it myself) ^-^
    • My ex boyfriend had the sweetest German Shepard, Collie mix in the world. Her name was Sassy, and the first animal I ever really got close to. Smartest dog I ever knew, too. She passed away at 17, due to liver failure. She fought 'till the end for sure. The worst part about it was that my ex's work wouldn't even give him the day off to bury his only best friend. It was quite sad. But we did go get her euthanized together. That was hard. We held on tightly to her paw that she insisted we hold for her. I think she knew what we were doing, because she was oddly calm. In the end I think that's what she wanted us to do.

      I have an pet for myself, now. A female, black cat named Midna. She's a young, spunk little thing and in great health for being spayed only a few months ago. But I still dread the day something happens to her...
    • Hey bud, I know your pain as well. Though I didn't have my dog for long, I still grew a large connection with this pet of mine. His name was Juugo

      He was taken away from me on bullshit, by my neighbors because they claimed that we abused him, and shit but we never did. So, the animal control took him away without our concern or consent, and then i find out three days later that the city put him down without giving uss any kind of warning or anything. I didn't even get to say goodbye to the pup. :/ So ya know, you aren't alone on losing a friend.
    • I was 9 years old, my father buyed me a cat, i growed him 3 years,then a wild bulldog entered our garden and killed my little cat :(,he was my best friend and always make me laugh even on my bad days of school, it was a trauma for me i tried to push the dog but he didnt stop.
      Now my emotion is sad everytime i think my little cat :(
      I Still cant forgot it even it was 3 years ago i miss my little kitty Chub :c and i dont think i will not get a pet again ;(
    • fluffeh.monster wrote:

      Losing my favorite dog is probably one of the saddest things that happened in my life.

      I didnt see her die though, but my sister did.

      daym man your lucky

      Losing your pet is something but killing him is something else
      My cat love to hang around my car in someday i got in the car and turn the engine the last thing i remember is how much blood that was coming out of the engine
      her leg was stuck in the fan and she was crushed i swear i couldn't eat for a week and i sold for my car for another one