Favourite games of all time?

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    • marcusmo17 wrote:

      thexfiles123 wrote:

      marcusmo17 wrote:

      Call of Duty
      Super Smash Bros
      Super Mario 64
      Kingdom Hearts

      Agreed Marcus :D I never played Kingdom Hearts but I'm hearing VERY good things about It, might get It with an emulator....
      PLAY IT! It's so much fun! Best adventure game ever!

      Seriously Kingdom Hearts is godlike and is really suitable for all ages while still interesting for the mature players due to the gameplay and the story.... square enix never disappoints me.

    • Some Favorite games

      James Bond Nightfire
      Goldeneye 64
      Halo 3
      Max Payne 1,2 and 3
      Modern Warfare 1,2 and 3
      Super Mario 64
      Prototype 1 and 2
      Star Wars Knights Of the old Republic 1
      Star wars battlefront 1 and 2
      All of the Ghost Recon
      Splinter Cell
      Mass Effect 1,2 and 3

      I lied about some favorite games :D
      Pop tarts are good:)
    • Call of duty franchise
      Bioshock 1 and 2
      Amnesia;the dark descent
      Dead Space 1 and 2
      Half Life
      Cry of Fear
      Red Orchestra
      Darkness 2
      Deus ex
      Splinter Cell
      World Of Tanks
      Mafia 2
      Crysis 1 and 2
      Mass effect 1,2,3
      Saints Row 2,3
      Dead Rising 2
      Aliens vs predator 3
      League Of Legends.
    • mass effect 3
      splinter cell pandora tomorrow
      star wars battlefront 2
      kingdom hearts(i've only played 2)
      battlefield:bad company 2
      warcraft 3 frozen throne
      MGS franchise
      AC franchise
      little big planet
      god of war 1,2(haven't played 3)
      resident evil
      ;( ;(
    • - Call Of Duty 4
      - Bully
      - Amnesia The Dark Descent
      - Flatout 2
      - Minecraft
      - Star Wars
      - Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
      - Team Fortress 2
      - Worms
      - The Golden Ord
      - FairCry
      - Fallout 3
      - Saints Row The Third

      I will update the list once i remember those ones that i have missed.
      Edit: Those are my favourite so far.



      The post was edited 4 times, last by Stephanoistheone ().

    • Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Fatal Frame 2, Resident Evil 4, Portal 1 and 2, Half-life 2, FEAR 1, Okami, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Ju-on The Grudge (wii).
    • There's only one particular game that I will ever call my favourite.

      And that game is Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

      I have other games I like, though. Most of them are from the times of the SNES, though: Clock Tower, Zelda: A link to the past, Robotrek... For more recent games... There's really not that much stuff that calls my attention, but I find Space Pirates And Zombies, Cthulhu Saves the World, Titan Quest and Torchlight are fun enough.
      Remember, Pewdie: When you're surprised by a jumpscare... THAT WAS ME AS WELL!
    • ALL OF THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD GAMES (The Typing of The Dead was hilarious, and I'm glad they've done a Console Port on the PS3 for House of The Dead 4: Special Edition!)
      A lot of Valve games
      Halo 2 and Halo 3
      Happy Wheels
      Saints Row The Third (My Personal Game of The Year 2011)
      Amnesia The Dark Descent
      Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4
      InFamous 1, 2, and InFamous: Festival of Blood
      Cry of Fear (I know it's a mod, but it's still freaking awesome!)
      Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
      Deus Ex: Human Revolution

      And some other games which I probably forgot.

      colonel, we managed to avoid drowning!
    • My list is:
      1. Minecraft (It's just addicting)
      2. Sonic Generations
      3. Portal (2)
      4. Happy Wheels
      5. Anno 2070 (Again, addicting)
      Ian was here, and this is his website:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Iantje: LOL, grammar fail.. ().

    • Edit: Oh look, my first textwall >_>

      In order of appearance (or when I first started playing them, I guess):

      MediEvil 1 and 2: Played #2 for the first time when it first came out back in 2000 (I was 7 back then, I think) and got hooked for months. Then I rented (and subsequently accidentally stole. True story.) the first one. I don't play them any longer, but I'll remember them forever.

      Rayman: The first in the series, and arguably the best.

      Pokeymans Yellow. CHHIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUU

      Harvest Moon: Back To Nature: The only Harvest Moon game I have ever owned (I've never had a Nintendo console, neither home nor handheld so this PS1 game is all I got of the series) I've ever played, and one of my absolute favourite nostalgic titles. I got this when I was really young, and I never managed to do anything. I ended up selling it to a cousin, only to buy it back years later. While it had the game breaking marriage bug the PAL version was afflicted with, I still had hours upon hours of fun. I eventually downloaded it again for an emulator recently, and I did a lengthy playthrough a few months ago.

      Poy Poy: This was the absolute favourite multiplayer title of me and my friends back in the day. We shed bitter tears when the disc finally got destroyed by too much use. Haven't been able to find it again since.

      Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2: Kingdom Hearts was the first PS2 title I ever owned. Fun anecdote: I got my PS1 in 2003 or 4, long after the original Kingdom Hearts came out (2002), but I had heard of it before. I have an intuition with games: I can predict if I'll like them just by glancing at the cover, or a short article. I read about Kingdom Hearts in a magazine before it was announced, and I knew, I wanted that game. So bad. But alas, I had no PS2. I mentioned the game to my dad back then, and when he got me the PS2 for Christmas in '04 I was overjoyed to see Kingdom Hearts tumble out of the box. I don't know if my dad actually remembered the game after 3 years or if it was just a coincidence, but either way, thanks, dad <3

      Soon thereafter I learned that a sequel was in the makes...oh boy, was I excited. I think I spent an entire month checking Wikipedia for a release date every single day, and when it was announced, I couldn't sleep well until the release. I dragged my mother through all electronic stores in town, but no one had the game stocked! I was so mad, and sad. But then she proposed I go take a quick look in a big toy store that was on our way home. With no high hopes I ventured in, and oh dear god...there it was! Right on the shelf. I sprinted and grabbed it, elbowed my way to the cashier while crying tears of joy. I'm not even exaggerating.

      A few years after that, PC gaming became my primary hobby (I had had experience with PCs before, my dad used to have a private IT school and we occasionally played Counter-Strike and other LAN games together, but I never had my own PC until then.) and this is where we get into the modern generation:

      The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. A game I discovered very late, in 2010, after playing Oblivion vigorously for hundreds of hours. What a game.

      Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2: Origins is a given for any RPG fan who doesn't have some odd wires in his circuit, but 2 is looked upon less fondly. I admit, I joined the hate-bandwagon at first, but I soon wisened up and accepted DA2 as the best rush-job ever made. 50% of the reason for this is that Merrill is my waifu <3

      Mount&Blade: Warband : This game is more addictive than crack. Jesus Christ in a sidecar.

      Portal 1 and 2: I am working on my own deadly neurotoxin...it contains highly combustible lemon juice extract that smells like cake. What a brilliant and utter fabrication...

      Half Life 2 and the episodes: Utter brilliance. I just hope 'Ricochet 2' is going to be available before the year 3140...

      L4D2 and TF2 for my multiplayer shooter needs.

      And finally Minecraft. O Minecraft! How thou doth tear at mine soul with thine terribly square beauty and- oh look, DEM DIAMINDZ!!! :D
      Gaze no more in the bitter glass.
    • :o Such a hard question. Just to name a few:

      Star Ocean TTEOT
      Paper Mario
      Megaman X4
      Super Mario World
      Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
      Super Mario Galaxy 2
      Wild Arms 5
      Dark Cloud 2
      Kingdom Hearts 2
      Final Fantasy 9
      Super Mario RPG
      Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards
      Bomberman 64 The Second Attack
      Golden Sun The Lost Age
      Metroid Fusion
      Tales of the Abyss
      Pokemon Black
      Megaman Starforce 2
      Luigi's Mansion
      Pokemon XD
      Kirby Super Star

      ._. There's so many more.
      I'm a goofy evil genius, you'll never meet a stranger person.

      Dark Matter epicness.