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  • Oh fuck off. We are on the internet, there are people for loving and hating everything everywhere about who-cares-things. (exept cats. Everyone love these fuckin' cats. And Bananas. So much love for a stupid and yellow fruit.) Marzia is not an exception. She has to work for her fans, and forgot the haters. That's all. Anyway, we know she's amazing. They are both. I think we and they just have to forgot the bullshit x)

  • Hey guys, here is just a little big project created by myself and some other friends on Minecraft ! What is it ? The fuckin'Title said it before me : It's the recreation of the first Portal game on MC (yep, the entire game). 2014-08-20_19.31.51.png 2014-08-20_19.34.05.png 2014-08-20_19.37.25.png So, you'll find all the levels from the original game AND 13 additionals test chambers ! You can install it with the AUTOMATIC Package (only works with Window) or just with the classic MANUAL Package, he…