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  • Up for sone gmod?

    OdinVodans - - Find Player 2


    Yes it is, iv done it my self and I only had half life 2.

  • Up for sone gmod?

    OdinVodans - - Find Player 2


    I would be if you dont mind me recording as well as I too would like to post a video up on my channel, I've been trying to get my Co-op partners together for some Gmod but so far I have not been successful.

  • Collab with a Girl Gamer ;)

    OdinVodans - - Find Player 2


    Im up for it, I like doing collabs with other lets players, so take a look at my channel and if your up for it send me a message. The NordiKyle Youtube Channel

  • Custom Showcase

    OdinVodans - - Content Creation


    I tend to make my own avatars and logos for my different tags, channel's and alias, I love to show them off as I am quite proud of my work, so it got me thinking 'there is no way that I'm the only one who does this, and I didn't really see a showcase area so I thought I would make a thread about it; of coarse I could be wrong and there very well could be a topic/category to post this in (as I am fairly new). So for anyone who wants to showcase there art with pride I make this for you. These are …

  • New Gaming Group [Youtube]

    OdinVodans - - Find Player 2


    I would like to know if there is an age limit as well, I do prefer to play with people around my own age (no offence to the younger crowd), I do tend to curse and joke around alot.

  • Oh man there are so many...lets see if I remember all of them. Durarara Black Lagoon Cowboy Bebop (including the movie) Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Another Btooom! Wagnaria! Sword Art Online Blast of Tempest Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Garganria on the Verderous Planet Attack on Titan Eureka Seven Last Exile Tokyo Tribe 2 K-Project Deadman Wonderland Highschool of the Dead (More than just Ecchi if you pay attention) Mirai Nikki Ben-To Cage of Eden Eden of the East There a…

  • Weird skills & Quirks

    OdinVodans - - Real Life


    while singing I can perfectly harmonize with another person, yet I struggle to sing by my self.

  • I would have to say Bacon Poutine. (french fries, brown gravy, cheese and BACON).